Welcome to our Chapter
The ICD Ottawa Chapter is a connected network of members from the local community with a shared commitment to good governance. We reflect and draw upon the unique strengths of the diverse sectors of our nation’s capital. We endeavour to be a conduit for our members to learning opportunities and the sharing of best practices. Our Chapter’s ultimate goal is to strengthen our local community’s governance expertise and access to peer supports.
Featured Leaders
Peter Nadeau
Interested in joining?
If you are interested in joining a Chapter committee, please contact the Ottawa Chapter Administrator at ottawainfo@icd.ca.
Chapter Spotlight
Peter Charbonneau ICD.D AFP’s 2020 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award recipient
Peter Charbonneau ICD.D has been recognized by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Ottawa Chapter as the AFP’s 2020 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award recipient. Nominated by the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, the Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award recognizes an individual who through their volunteerism has demonstrated exceptional skills in coordination and motivation of others for fundraising projects and who is committed to the advancement of philanthropy. This award is a celebration of service, hope and commitment.
Peter Charbonneau is a past chair and a long-standing member of our Ottawa executive. He has both crown and not-for-profit board experience. In addition to his roles on multiple Boards of Directors, including Mitel Networks, the CBC and Dragonwave Inc, Peter contributed to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation and National Art Centre Foundation and served as the Honorary Chair of the Canadian Special Olympics 2000 Winter Games. A golf, skiing and watersports enthusiast, he is also a Certified Level II Hockey Trainer. He is married to Joan and they have four children. Peter and Joan spend most of their time entertaining their nine grandchildren.
Roxanne L. Anderson MBA, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D Past ICD Ottawa Chapter Co-Chair
Ms. Anderson is the CEO of March Advisory Inc., a retired managing partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”). . Ms. Anderson is also the Senior Vice President and CFO of Victorian Order of Nurses.
Ms. Anderson has over 30 years’ transformation experience through providing operational, financial and strategic expertise to help boards, management, lenders and investors successfully navigate transformational events.
In addition to advising boards, Ms. Anderson sits on a number of boards including the publicly listed company, Quarterhill, The Royal Ottawa Health Care Group and a privately held company. She is a member of the Departmental Audit Committee of Shared Services Canada. Past board positions include: chair of the University of Ottawa Institute for Mental Health Research and member of the board of McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineering, TruReach Health and Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation.
Ms. Anderson was named as one of the top five turnaround specialists in Canada by Canadian Business Magazine.
Ian Sherman FCPA, FCA, lCD.D Order of Ottawa 202I CEO, Relationship Capital lnc
Recently retired as EY Ottawa Tax Practice Market Leader and EY Canada Government and public Sector Leader for Tax Graduate of ICD-Rotman Directors Education program, 2017 CPA Canada Award for Excellence in lncome Tax for Outstanding Service to the profession and the Canadian Tax Community, 2013.Jewish Federation of Ottawa, Gilbert Greenberg Distinguished Service Award for Community Service, 2011 and Freiman Family Young Leadership Award & United Jewish Communities of North America Young Leadership Award, 1999
Recipient of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Ottawa Philanthropy Award for 2021 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser recognizing Commitment to the Advancement of Philanthropy and Coordination and Motivation of 0thers for Fundraising projects
Recipient of the 2021 Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka Award from the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation for outstanding comrnitrnent to improving local cancer care.
Ottawa Chamber of Commerce Business Person of the Year, 2009
Fellow of the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, 2006
Chartered Accountant, 1986 (Canada and Ontario)
Member of the Canadian Tax Foundation
Chair, Ottawa Board of Trade
Chair, Jewish Federation of Ottawa
Chair, Ottawa-Gatineau Youth Foundation
Board of Directors, Ottawa Sports & Entertainment Group (OSEG) Foundation
lnstitute of Corporate Directors - Ottawa Chapter Executive Committee
Canadian Chamber of Commerce - Tax Review and Reform Project - Campaign Advisory Committee
Member of The Executive Committee (TEC) Canada, Chief Executives Working Together
Chair,2021 and 2020 Cancer Champions Breakfast, Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation
Recently retired from full-time public accounting practice, lan was a Tax partner in the EY Ottawa Office with more than 35 years of experience. He managed the Ottawa Office Tax practice of over 90 professionals and was a Tax Account Leader coordinating and facilitating services to many of EY’s local and multinational clients in several industry sectors. Since July 7,2021, through his company Relationship Capital Inc., lan is assuming corporate roles as a director, family business adviser, board member and other advisory roles, leveraging his business and professional relationship network and his experience and skills from almost four decades of professional practice.
lan was an lnstructor for the CPA Canada ln-Depth lncome Tax Course for over 10 years. From 2OO7 to 2011, he was Chair of the CICA Tax Courses Committee and Chair of its Tax Education Task Force. lan is a Past chair of the CPA canada lncome Tax Education committee.