Is Your Board Ready for the Next Crisis? What 2020 Has Taught Us
In the past year, boards from every sector have been faced with challenges that have drastically affected their organizations’ operations and communications. Although the world was slow to begin to respond to the pandemic, events rapidly escalated in March, prompting lock-downs and other extraordinary measures that continue to impact businesses today. Although the pandemic and its disruptive effects may not have been foreseen, prepared and agile organizations had processes and effective crisis communication plans in place, that helped them to effectively respond to all internal and external stakeholders in a timely way. Ultimately, those organizations fared better through the storm. As we all look to return to a more normal environment in the future, it is a good time to reflect on what we learned.
Join the Institute of Corporate Directors and Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP for a discussion with leaders from a cross section of industries on how they dealt with the pandemic crisis and what steps they’ve taken to identify and mitigate future risks to ultimately be prepared for when the next crisis hits.
Discussion topics include:
- Lessons learned from the pandemic
- Checklist for crisis readiness
- Creating a crisis management plan
- Directors’ responsibility for ensuring seamless business operations
Apr 6, 2021 2:00 PM ET

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