Political Intelligence for Boards
Businesses sometimes find out the hard way that paying attention to government is essential to their success. Whether it is obtaining a needed permit, or a change in regulations to support a new business model, or getting the green light for a foreign investment or merger, business decisions - sometimes even the future of the business itself – can depend on government decision-making. Yet government processes often seem opaque to outsiders: How do governments make decisions? How can business put its case to the decision-makers in a way that will resonate? How do organizations build political intelligence and relationships with government? As a Director, how do you ensure your organization is responding effectively to public policy decisions that could affect your organization? Join us for an informative and in-depth conversation from three leading political and governance experts as they discuss how organizations can improve their understanding of government decision-making process and how to effectively work with the public service and political actors. Ideal for boards of Directors of not-for-profit and for-profit organizations who want to improve their awareness of, and engagement with, political and administrative processes.

Simon Kennedy

Serge Dupont

Isabelle Courville

Hon. John Baird, P.C.