Navigating Rising Expectations for Boards of Directors
An Interactive, In Person Session
ICD recently co-authored a major report titled Charting the Future of Canadian Governance. As highlighted in the report, our governance practices must continually adapt to the vast and often furious changes taking place around us. While key areas of board oversight don’t require change (Strategy, Risk, Performance and Leadership), significant changes are required in how boards should go about their ever more demanding roles in these areas.
In this session, we will provide a brief overview of the key points from the report followed by an opportunity to exercise our director skills as we work through a director dilemma. In this interactive exercise, participants will discuss the key considerations in coming to a difficult decision that recently faced the board of a multinational company.
This director dilemma will incorporate several key points from the report including the board’s need to determine whether the CEO’s competencies and character are suitable for the new world of multiple stakeholders and societies rising expectations of corporate responsibility, as well as the need to monitor incidents where employees’ behaviours and values are potentially inconsistent with the corporate culture.Speaker
Nathan Greidanus
Academic Director, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba