Director Dilemma : A Major Donor Wishes to Influence Strategy & Leadership
Director Dilemmas – Sometimes there is no checklist.
In the boardroom, definitive information may not always be available, and a distinct course of action may not always be clear. Learn from your director peers as you jointly tackle a complex issue for a fictitious board. Discuss options and learn to work through real-world boardroom challenges towards possible successful outcomes.
This webinar will explore governance challenges when donor influence impacts organizational autonomy. Using a case study, we’ll examine how a major donor’s conditional funding led to strategic shifts, leadership changes, and internal board conflict.
This interactive discussion facilitated by experienced directors will explore:
• The Board's role when a major donor wishes to change organizational strategy
• The role of the Chair in the context of disruptive board behaviours
• The advantages and disadvantages of board peer review
$35 members
$50 non-members

Bernie Kollman
Edmonton ICD Chapter Chair
Board Member of Edmonton International Airport (YEG); Trustee of Melcor REIT
Former Board Chair of Travel Alberta and Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Annette Trimbee
President and Vice-Chancellor of MacEwan University;
and serves on the boards of Edmonton Global, World Universities Service Canada (WUSC), The Conversation Canada, and the Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF).

Peggy Garritty
Board Director; Former Chancellor, University of Alberta and Board Chair; and serving as Vice Chair of the board for the Art Gallery of Alberta,
Chair of the board for Edmonton Screen Industries Office, and member of the boards for the University Hospitals Foundation and Alberta Ballet.

Sam Jenkins
Managing Partner, Punchcard Systems Inc.
Board Chair of the Winspear Centre and the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra.